
Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE)

As an independent, nonprofit, global association, ISACA engages in the development, adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading knowledge and practices for information systems with a globally recognized ISACA certification, you hold the power to move ahead in your career, increase your earning potential and add value to any enterprise.

Modern privacy laws and regulations require organizations to implement privacy by design and by default into IT systems, networks, and applications. To do so, privacy professionals must partner with software developers, system and network engineers, application and database administrators, and project managers to build data privacy and protection measures into new and existing technology environments.

For more information regarding CDPSE Certification, please visit https://www.isaca.org/credentialing/certified-data-privacy-solutions-engineer

CDPSE Training

Description Code Day(s) Mar Apr May Usual Special Actions
CDPSE Training
Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer Preparation CDPSE 3 Pls. Call Pls. Call Pls. Call 39,900 Pls. Call